Fleur Hitchcock's View from my Velux

Thoughts and happenings from my part of the universe.

Public Events…

Upcoming events are:

Bath Kids Lit fest with Alex Beever Saturday 30th September book below!

And I will be doing an event at Westonbirt but the details are not yet released.

Otherwise, you can find me in Waterstones in Bath, most Saturdays. Do come and say hello!

Come and join me in store signing copies of  Murder at Snowfall. And in Ashford and Orpington I will be running a mystery trail. Are you a budding detective? Can you decipher the clues? Come along and solve a mystery in store!

Times and dates below.

Friday 4th November 15.30 – 5.00 Waterstones in Maidstone.

Saturday 5th November 11.00 – 1.00 Waterstones in Ashford

Sunday 6th 2.30 – 4.30 November Waterstones in Orpington

Otherwise, on an ordinary Saturday I can be found in Children’s Waterstones in Bath where I work as a bookseller and can personally sell you my books and excellent books by other people.