Sorry, it’s been more than a year, but then, things happen in a life and not all of them leave room for random thoughts, suffice to say I am not a thing on its own, I am anchored to others and when they change their lives, it happens to me too.

However – I am still writing, and yes, it’s another thriller, a Christmassy one and it will come out later this year. But, I’m not going to tell you what it’s called or show you a cover yet, because everything can change in this last stage.

Yes, the book is written, yes, it is set in Lyme Regis – yes, it’s been through editors – twice.

No, it is not fixed in stone. The winds of change could still blow through this manuscript and I have to say, I really like that. The moment that it crosses the line, becomes an absolute thing, I will be terrified. Now that I’m bound to it forever, I will panic, will wish to run the clock backwards, will want to change this, that, will be full of doubt.

Not quite there yet.

It’s still like a present in the present box – no wrapping paper yet.

I wonder, it’s set at Christmas, perhaps it should be midsummer? No?